Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wedding Guest Book Sayings

Are Your Best Friends

Tefy today and I went to baby shower mey!
it looked all ke bonitaaaa sisisisisi and ate Mexican food, sweets kn chocolate, fruit Brochettes kn tbm tbm chocolate and amm ke no to chocolate and was so * Q * for the love ke chocolatee sokeee !!!!! xDD

ke and after play lottery and I was Koha salt .. I won anything!! o_o ..
and when you win something and kedaba ke was the last to win something I have not suertee
TT .. in order to ke after that I got a cotton candy .. mm weno was at a table was all bligootiful ke * W * and hold it there and then gave me an apple tamarindoo kn y after they gave me another 2 blocks all tragaona
xDDDD jajajaja .. I do not care U_U Pss
there after we went downtown and buy a expanson keria Tefy
and when you buy not kedabaa and then bought another and neither kedo him that made me laugh xDD
by it all enojadilla ke porke not kedaba jajaja ..
from there I came to my house .. and pss Menan connect me and I have me up early by ke ke ke I have lead a Saken ke paperwork for my passport and visa U_U ..
but hey .. and pss I started to edit footer and it was all I did today .. ke ^ ^ I have
I'll go to sleep
dormirr ... -_-ZZzZzZZZZZzzzzZZzzZZZzZ !!... xDDD

I put aki some pictures .. ke editee

weno aunke one says 136 days to see an cafe and the other says 135 xDD but are for the flog ..

bone tomorrow (today and tomorrow (morning.. XDD it is already dawn ke xDDD)

and this ^ ^ ok .. seem to admit ke ke ke framework put them why I love using it in both pictures ^ ^ xDD and pss kn ke cartoons by Christmas and will be christmas .. xDD ok that was heard geek xDD x.. byee ajajaja

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Provigil Vs. Adderall

Nyappy ^ ^ * w *! Nyappy

ok will follow tomorrow with the continuation of Chapter 2 ... is ke kedo if I upload something
hahaha na not really ay ke pss cansoo me not to make reeds
moods when I feel bad they are ahgo know xDDD ..

weno pss ya me voy stomach hurts me but I have hunger is ke
ajjajaja weno ^ ^ bye now ..

Monster Hunter Cheats How To Get A Black Pearl

continuaa fic! Nyappy

- I? .. Well really, I'm learning to play bass, and also a battery poko, ke if Tefy truth? "I ask the chika- if true, - answered the second - and you'll like playing an instrument ke ... I ask because I prefer bou-sing, ^ ^ - bou smiled kn response keria chika-and learn to play guitar but am not very skillful fingers kn say-ke ... I see, because if you enseñoa kieres I play guitar, "he commented to the chika-bou I play the guitar is the ke kieres I like and if I can teach-Tefy eyes gleamed kn comment Bou-seriously you teach me? * W * - I wonder, I would greatly appreciate it! .. okay then your classes will begin when you like it ^ ^ - bou said, okay, we could start tomorrow? .- asked Tefy-ke clear if whenever you want, "he replied The Chik-those kids came to the movies paid their tickets and entered the room, but before arriving there, they stopped to buy popcorn and soda to watch the movie, following his path kn entered the room and sat down on the top of the seats, I believe we are well ..- ke aki Teruki said, as he sat beside the blond Chiko if I ke Yes, "miku as he sat next to Tefy and kanon, while Karla ke sat next to me kanon-pass the popcorn? .- asked to miku kanon-if you take the boat ..- miku you step-by-Chiko added the dark-haired ... the movie started and when I was half Teruki Bou said something to his ear and pan Teruki rose from his seat and said back now chikas'll go to the bathroom did not take-out-ok, "answered the other, after a few minutes bou was kien rose from his seat and said ke also go to the bathroom not long before I wanted to go to the bathroom Chiko said, leaving the room, Tefy, ke suspected something was up from his place and said nothing followed the blond Chiko no ke this noticing, out of the room, hid behind a column and saw it was ke where he was going bou ..- that's not the bathroom, "he said in his head, after waiting a poko ke Teruki was reached where bou and saw something which makes kasi faint derrepente heard a-" ; NO Invention "! - behind him and saw kien era ke realized were his other 3 colleagues kanon, miku karla and behind it was what i see going on, everyone kn kedaron mouth open, what i was seeing did not believe it, were Teruki and bou, taken hand, and suddenly kissed .. miku and kanon is keradon of O_O-kn kara while karla ke Tefy and they said only a "look cute ke, miku later said - and said I ke those two got along sooo well ... demaciado to be exact-kanon ke ke did not know that, deep breath and put it this way-I had no idea ke saito-kun and Teruki-san had that kind of ... this relationship, "he said while blushing, those kids decided to return to the room of the movie" Better ke did not say anything Teruki and bou ... ke say we should not already know what your .. you know ... ke it between them, "he said as he sat miku-ke wait until they tell us karla-Tefy and was fascinated by the relationship of the Chiko Chiko blond and brown-ke are cute, Teruki and bou are well cool ... siii * O *.. aww ..* w * - commented Tefy, it is true they are all cute together, - added Karl, .. kanon listened to her friends and blushed to hear everything they said ke-chik there are Teruki and bou kanon-warned, the 4 simulated chikas see the movie and not realize-ke came back and said Chik-two as they sat down, followed the film and complete the 6 chikas ke decided it was time to go home, we feel we have ke chikas Tefy and said work-karla-if and if we do not scold us time ... maid dirt! u_u "said Karla, accompany horn If you like his work and from there we go ... or as you like, "suggested kanon-si, if they want to accompany them and the kids and I will go to the house of Miku - Teruki-added to my house? - miku wonder-struck and that my house? - again ask, because that if .. go to your house and point-term-mm brown is good, join us till the work, suggested both girls, and serves us ke Kitana rates are bothering us ..- Tefy said the bother- ke much those kids go?? - asked bou-ke o ke ???... I say to them? "I wanted to know the blond-ke see what happens is sometimes go chikas ke ke ke believe we, the maids, we should be doing them kn ke everything they ask ... and it is not so - began to say Tefy, if true, and some tried to molest an kn us, and it's annoying, "he continued karla-and the worst is ke we can not do anything we said .- Tefy-added by ke? - surprised I ask bou-ke kmo we assume we should look pretty maids, so we ke ke awant - karla replied- ke it wrong! ke ... and we had not been said before ???.. in thought ke! - continued the blond guy sorry but we could do-ke said the two chikas ... continued walking until you reach the 4 chikas coffee maid came in through the front door, while the chikas entered by ke the back door, they entered the locker room and changed clothes wore their ke respective uniforms, while ke they sat in one of the tables which, according to chikas, they were going to attend .. the 4 were very handsome young so ke no time in calling the attention of the other maids ke were working there, each acerkaba were questioned on whether they offered something to drink and stuff like that, those kids just the ignored , then a chika, maid, you acerko to miku and asked "excuse like you something to drink? - miku at her only thought. -God .. la chika ke disgust was not at all graceful ', but was somewhat uncomfortable-die what is your name? .. please .. ke you is very nice, "continued she kn a fake smile, only ovio keria Chiko draw the attention of red, but did not work at all its techniques, but she was insistent, so I ignore miku only chika ke mast was gone, another is chika acerko the young Teruki and bou Kerer looks caught him a blow, but said a more chika acerko was the young dark-haired and behaved foolishly kmo ke chika his companion tried to draw the attention of miku, Tefy karla and left the locker room begin serving when they saw the other maid about his friends, seeing the Tefy chika miku envelope, he felt a tremendous courage by ke one way or another Tefy, miku liked although she was somewhat indifferent kn , karla to see the other kanon chika just above brow ceñoy said Let's go ke kn better if those kids or those gals will eat them alive, "she said angrily

What Is The Life Span Of A Car Starter

continuaa fic! Nyappy

Tefy and turned the place bou ke Teruki had told them they saw was skating kn kanon ke karla Brazon taken from ... or ///// o. kmo that happen ???.. amm wondering say bou-ke a pekeña help - said Teruki-¬ ¬ .. karla Its too noble in order ke aga kn what i want that otaku ..- so ugly do not tell repressed Tefy-bou smiling alright I'm just saying what i thought-miku not kitaba the Tefy eye on ke and for some strange reason the prettiest saw ke usual, of course confused by ke ke ke keria not Tefy ke realized ... they looked at it acerka bou kien had been noticed ke it looks miku Dabab Tefy and asks slyly, you really like, some ?...- miku bou turned to see because they had surprised the Chiko ke-ah realized? e.. Etto ... no .. kmo no Kres ... she do not like is an angry, well not my type "lied miku trying to hear his answer ke firm, bou ke smiled because he knew he liked Tefy miku but proud was saying ke ke no later than had already happened, okay do not be angry miku bou-said I angrily replied, miku, bou after that is acerko Teruki and thence to the two of them left the ice rink making an excuse ke were hungry and would go to get something to eat, what i the other 4 did not know and ignored chikas was Teruki and bou ke were not returned couples ke grab a week and find time for themselves ... kanon, Tefy, karla and miku Eskin gathered at a Track and commented-an muuy been acting strange for a week isn't it?-ask-for miku .. ke I do not know, "answered my Tefy-ke is like me but maybe not this bad what I think ke kien kanon" added to an attempt to avoid falling-ke I think if you were to eat something ... =.= The truth is ke I too am getting hungry, "said Karla .. -Amm .. samples if you like we can go out to eat and then returned to the ice rink .- I think Tefy while away from miku ke was because it seemed to take her hand, do not ever touch me Akiharu ¬ ¬ - sentenced him Tefy-not going to do, "said miku seeing ke had realized his intention, as I warned kmo .. ke then saying we eat and later returned to the track if? -. Tefy-ok I ask again, "answered the other 3 Chiko, the 4 chikas left the track and on their way to where they were, where meals will be Akella two -karla-looking Tefy and is an aki have gone on and we do not say where U_U kisieron Miku said looking kn ke sight to the other 2 chikas-chik ke sit down and wait to return, as ordered something to eat, "commented kanon kien and stomach growled, mireen !!!!- Tefy cry too happily, the hot dogs are at 2 for one!! and are great! * O *.. ..- Tefy pakete take advantage and buy a hot dog, karla he had his eye on a lokal Japanese food and decided to buy there, kanon ke keria cake so buy a big slice of tiramisu for miku ke ke he knew kitaria of food, miku only ordered french fries and they returned to the table every kn kien dishes and began to eat while they ate they talked of things kmo musika, clothing, etc. suddenly got the other 2 remaining chikas Teruki and bou,-hi ke chikas eat? .. "Teruki asked as he sat next to Tefy and bou sat next to Kanon, Cerkes of teruki." Where was you two? - Karla-you wonder where they were missing? - Bou Teruki blushed while ke answered-for .. you see, we were watching the whole place is very great many Coosa ke emos not yet seen, "said Teruki-s-if it's true" added bou-mm is well .. but .. for both tadaron ke? - kanon-really wonder is ke is very large place and then both lied we missed-Chika (Bou and Teruki) - mm .. okay if you say .- commented Tefy not very convinced of the response of those kids, "is seriously Tefy ... do not lie " Teruki was to convince "aha .. kmo is in order and are concerned aki ke we had not arrived, "she added, giving a bite of her food, bou just looked away blushing, those kids kept talking for a while, they decided to finish eating watch a movie theater-valleys-kanon said sounds good .. if followed fences-karla-amm ke film but will we see? -. .- if preegunto bou-ke film see walled-Tefy ask to see a horror-movie-Teruki suggested would be great, but I prefer a movie action, the fear I am bored - bored you said miku-miku? .. I thought you were afraid ke by ke ke last time we went to the movies kasi fear-mockingly cried discovered what Teruki-..- do not lie miku said blushing for the comment teru, crossed his arms ¬///¬ not true ... "the other 4 Chika comentrio laughed at, but agreed to go to the movies, so ke skates gave their input and direction kn came to see the movie ... way to the movies could not stop laughing to angry Kanon Teruki saying anime ke era kmo chikas perverted and things that, while single kanon ke ke was saying was not true, then started talking about ke musika and everyone had to say something about ..- I like to sing but also play the guitar and some piano, "said miku .- I always liked to play drums," said Teruki-and Teruki hard to play drums? - karla-no wonder he is not but it takes much practice, "he replied, I see ... kanon ke instrument and you'll like, "I ask the dark-haired chika ke was playing at her kn-ps eh? .. to I amm as I like the bajo sexto, "answered the Chiko saving your game before it Kitara ke Teruki only for hassle-and I also like composing musika" added-and you? .. I ask karla-

Direct Tv Flat Antenna

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Chapter 2. A not so secret secret pekeño ...

spent about 3 weeks after the lawsuit Akel, those kids, had recinciliado ke, maybe for fear ke Tefy or indeed was right. were in a parke lying on the grass watching the clouds, of course he had been told of the lawsuit to Bou and kanon ke could not keep secrets from the blond hair Chiko ke ke knew eventually they would learn ... the young bou good decision because ke ke Tefy said that, but you would still stubborn doz upset by something you could say stupid ... aunke .. On the other hand I also had upset me .. -Miku and Teruki turned to see bou and miku ke wonder, and you had your mad? - And answered bou .. By ke-ke would feel jealous karla Tefy and left me to my best friend ... Both also admit it is very nice indeed chikas kanon? ... karla ke truth is very pretty? ^ ^ - Kanon to hear this question blushed and looked away a response kn kasi inaudible if it followed the already arrived chikas ke, former mind, he had kn kedado to find those kids at some time .- hi chikas ke Tefy said we showed a little gay, but usual-hi ke chikas regret the delay, it's just ke we stopped to see some things on the way to aki .. already had much aki? - karla asked as he sat in front of those kids stood kienes grass to sit down also not the truth is we poko aki ke but do not worry ^ ^ arrived on time, "said well .. bou-ke and ".. ke then plan to make Tefy-??..- wonder where will I ask miku, "do not have any idea ??...- kiso Teruki-ammm know I have a bou-said .. Let's go ice skating! - bou said excitedly exclaimed serious geniall Tefy karla and at the same time, but I do not skate, "said kanon .-. ke as you learn or teach someone said .. miku in that it hacerka Teruki Kanon and tells secret ken tell karla ke ..- teach you to say this was so red kanon miku ke, Tefy, Karla, and it looked bou without knowing what had happened-ke Etto ... okay Fences - kanon said looking away to another site, then this decision, "said Teruki-valleys to the skating rink, the 6 Chika went to a giant ice skating rink each ke kien entry fee was very cheap and everyone was keen to get their skates the ice in that ... - kanon you okay? .. I see nervous karla acerkado to kanon was because they had noticed a little worried since i had entered the skating rink-ah? .. no, it's nothing .. Kanon-cheeks had taken a reddish-kanon're sure? .. ke sure nothing happens? - insisted karla - is ke ... really .. I ...- kanon under the gaze a little nervous, no .. skate-kanon not said this in almost quietly karla ...- keria is that laughing at carkajadas but awant and said do not worry if kieres Tefy and I teach you or you can tell Teruki ke teaches you e kanon look ^^..- karla and then divert the gaze prefer ke show me your "This was said inaudibly- say something? ..- wonder karla-no, "replied I did not fake a smile kanon, miku and bou were the first to enter the track followed and Tefy Teruki, Kanon hesitated to enter the arena then karla said looking hold on my shoulders and will help you become .. right? the chika-..- wonder this .. well ... "he said shyly took kanon while karla-shoulders .. well now slowly placed on ice skates .. enter after me, "said Karla-in that is hacerko Teruki Miku and whispered something in his ear secretly Tefy, ke realized, it kedo kn ke side hatch and also bou, Teruki and Miku went skating till the entrance where karla and kanon were still followed at about two chikas beginner skating took both arms and took him till the middle of the track where they left him alone, kanon kien had a frightened face appeared ke statue and did not move for fear of falling on the ice, had seen karla ke Chika intention of both was skating pole where there was the fearful kanon-Trankil not panic, look, take my arms and legs start to move if you were to walk kmo ...- kanon sonrojadisimo volume of arms and karla began to do what she was saying "ke ke is very easy to see ^ ^" I was saying to kanon smiling karla yeah .. believe, "said the ... Kmo-rays came not told us Keri-Teruki and Miku, Tefy had already reached the courtyard came ke side of bou-ke no salio expected kmo?-Wonder Tefy-si salio ke kmo tell us expect? ... ke made? .. . I wonder bou-amm nothing seriously .. "Answered miku-... but should look to nurse, "said Teruki-are sooo in love ... hehe ..-

will realize ke mood get only where the kanon by jajja ke xDD I do not feel so

Best Compost Units For Las Vegas

continuaa fic! Nyappy

as if kieres can bring a drink to my companions, bring what i want but this aki ke-karla Tefy kn nodded his head and the other two were addressed to Chika and while taking your order miku glances acia caps side where he was Tefy Teruki and she was feeding in the mouth Teruki and gave massages while ke Teruki took advantage of the situation to make miku ke even more angry at that karla kn drinks arrived and miku kanon aki you ..- kanon-san your beverage of chocolate and your giant rice cracker ke ^ ^ Have a nice profit-after-aki was kn miku miku have your drink strong coffee and your onigiri, very good pro ke ..- have not finished karla miku ke say this and had risen sharply from the chair and stretched his order but had not been particularly if they ke bean was spilled all in uniform, I'm going chika aki .. Teruki not bear to see this kn Tefy ke-le-miku kanon said you should wait to see what i do, it just stopped kanon- there is no problem, "said Karla-.. okay it was just an accident, "she said while recojia around the floor in that Dabo had Tefy ke ke account of what had happened was angry and told miku-ke no ke time I just do? .. diculpa calls ... you need not be a boor ke ¬ ¬ ... "scolded him - sorry karla-saying this in a somewhat haughty-happy .. and are happy ... now I glanced over, in high dudgeon to Teruki ... - You are a rude, scream Tefy while helping to clean karla Teruki and Miku went after payment is ke kanon and miku friend had ordered the maid-out reaches Teruki Miku and says .. "Listen you do not have to be ke so rude kn the chikas .-.. miku stops short and says ke I thought you were not able to do this to me ... ke know she likes and you try to earn it, "he said angrily miku miku you like ???... I really like,,, and ke sake if she were to ignore you?,, kn were playing it for a while kmo kn all others and when you are bored of botaras kmo an old toy? ... that's what ke arias .... echo as always .... ekivoco or me? - Teruki asked kien was angry as well, and you know she ke ... I do not like it kmo're so sure I kiero ke While I have no intention of throwing it away or play your feelings .... kn but if that is what i think of my ... ke bad these .. ke is still not know me at all ... Miku was saying kien was holding the desire to beat his friend, that reached to his friends kanon .-.. chikas hear ... I waited for ??..- ke preguntabba this while ke caught his breath and had run to reach them, look at both young kienes looked something challenging and realized what i did, in that pounced on Teruki Miku, but it detubo kanon saying "We do not fight ... no miku no reason to fight ... miku-miku please stop being unable to safarze of kanon said - I thought ke Teruki were my friend but now I understand ke ekivoke me, "in that the chikas, kienes had run behind kanon, the hit-ke aki going? - Tefy-ke wonder they are fighting for "asked" for nothing .. answered only by nonsense- miku-ke also is something none of your business-miku-kmo blame it .. a ke tries to help and your .. just trying to show off and upsetting the other people angry ...- Tefy said ... kien kanon miku still had arrested she added-chik stop fighting ... Please. aganlo for the good times we ke ...- tried to stop the fight, good times ???... kitarme to the kiere ke chika ke me kieres like and be his friend? "said miku-kmo true I could be friends with a person kmo the, ke only interested in the same," continued Teruki, and was Tefy ke angry enough to scream "LET YOURSELF attach importance to trifles ... BY KE fight over something so silly, ARE LONG TIME FRIENDS FROM ASE TO KMO KE KE `Peel NOW ONE OF U.S. ... KE LES PASA ..? Y ...- TU referring to miku-LET YOUR ATTITUDE AND PROUD OF GREATNESS AND SHOULD ONLY BE YOURSELF AND LET SOMEONE Finjan KE NO ERES ... And now referring ..- TU-STOP MAKE Teruki pride KE NO TE KEDA YOU!. Chika the 3-shocked kedaron Tefy kn what i was saying "NOW YOU 2 .. Apologize ONE ANOTHER IF NO KIERAN KE Versele KNMIGO ...- Tefy said staring at ... both chikas not know if fear or Tefy ke was right, they apologized to each other the 5 Chika went to their respective homes chikas kanon acompañoa both home and from there he went to his. ...

aki ok till the first chapter ^ ^ maybe it was something short but there are still more ^ ^ not preocupenn ... in fact even more =.= U there are 5 chapters and just go in the first .. u_u in short fiction will continue to rise .. ke no matter nobody reads it and read it ^ ^ psss Tefy and the fic is hers in order jajaja weno seguire kn the fic .. ^ ^

Gingivitis Saliva Blood Morning

continuaa fic! Nyappy

...- fool said this last angry, came to the house of both chikas .. They said goodbye to those kids went each to their respective homes kien .. Miku Teruki to annoy ya ke mocking his plan to draw the attention of Tefy not had any success-fence miku ke galan turns out, ke can not call the attention of a cute chika ... ke know now not to fall into your network easily, "said Teruki kanon ke laughed while many of the comments Chiko to miku ... Nagata-shut .. she is crazy about me but do not tell me interrupt you for always ke .. ¬ ¬...- They were exposed a little while so ke those kids came to the house chikas kanon-bye See you tomorrow in class-.- .. we said goodbye kanon kanon is still very early partying. Teruki-..- comment but .. ...- classes tomorrow we answered the "Do not be spoilers miku said Shinya ..- ke to see his friend did not budge, walk go to a maid coffee house and then we feast, Teruki and Etto ... hai .. is well-kanon acceded to the proposal of both Chiko, entered the coffee maid, was fascinated kanon chikas kn the maid, and had a nice uniform ke, Teruki took a coffee and watched the faces of kanon by watching the maids serving trays kn their ...- tables you drool ..- kanon kanon ke blushed ever Teruki Miku was saying that while he thought his next move, Teruki I already ke ke ke do to ignore me ..- Tefy began on miku. to you? y ke haras-wonder Teruki-.. will END and give him an autographed picture of me and tell him not muuch ke chikas have the privilege of having a photo-finish mine kmo said the red-ke >_>.. okay do that ... clear ... if kieres ke te a blow in the face and you fan the picture into a thousand pieces - he responded to the comment Teruki Miku-.. miku true .. if you were angry That's what leads kntigo not you think ??... "Added kanon-ke ¬ ¬ then what I can do to ke ke she Ignore kiso ???...- know-it is not .. just be yourself and stop being so superficial, "said Teruki sipping your coffee, suddenly Teruki almost drowned because he had to choke ke viso something had surprised him," Chika, Chika, LOOK TO AYA! said Teruki coughing as coffee and nearly got out of the nose of the print-ke Teruki happens?-wonder-if kanon ke Nagata happens? ...- also wonder just overturn miku back and look what I'm seeing-kanon ke stated in his mind I hope ke is not a Teruki's jokes, to turn the two chikas almost fall off the chairs of the posters .. what i did not believe their karla saw were eyes and kn Tefy maid outfit working at the site where they were,-ke kn looks cute in that uniform, thought Tefy miku while, according Teruki, kmo dribbled water running ... while kanon ke could not pronounce a word, Teruki rose from the table, one of the kn acerko maids and asked a special service .. kn clear both chikas specifically, Tefy and Karla, to return to the table Teruki smiled and said-chik hatch them, I have a little surprise kmo ke one surprises .. miku and kanon is kn kedaron mouth open to see the chikas next to Teruki, "you O_O .. "Said the chikas to see the 3 youngest at the table ... miku only t-Tefy said .. you? .. but if ... kmo .. your .. out. ,, Aki ke aces? "" Kiso surprised to know the Chiko, while surprised Tefy said .- ke aki is where we work .. cres ke where we get the money to pay for school .???-.. miku not knowing answer ke said, "but if we just left at home ... ARE possible kmo aki ke?? - to ke karla replied trying to hide behind Tefy-summer when you left us take a car to suit us aki ke by ke poko we were doing later, also did not think ke would come ...- aki said this while leaving behind other chika dela .. suddenly said Teruki - well I think ke asked for a special maid service start-ke like me saying this a little pervertidamante, Teruki looked Tefy face kn I'll get you while ke karla Teruki-san asked, both kieres special maid service? o.. only a ?...- to Teruki answered ke .. mm it .. both but first starts Tefy kiero ke-miku saying this he glanced zealous and something kills Teruki-

Black Suit With Burnt Orange Tie

continuaa fic!

"But if he says that's for sure tell him no," said kanon ke-no matter the case is ke ke I have to try or not?-ke waited out the hour of recess and with Miku Teruki and bou approached new-girls-girls hello Teruki-banging to say we will go to the game and then from there to karaoke and if you can go to dinner after something ... kn come nosotrios? -Akiharu put a face disappointment because it had advanced the invitation Tefy kn ... anyway ... agreed, but was planning to do ke Tefy tactic is one kn Kedara him and ask her out to the two of them ... went back to classes and so spend my time till I finish school ke-ya are ready chikas ... asked simultaneously clear both Chiiko-ke if chikas "said Teruki embracing both-we go now? .. Miku Seeing this made a face of anger because I saw that he was overtaking Teruki kan the girl he liked ... I do, "said Saito," I also, "answered the young Shinya kn a twinkle in his eyes as the game went, if ... let's go ... Miku was saying something angry ... the 6 Chika went to the game where he played a Shinya karla you challenge the KOF and saito to angry and jealous telling Teruki Miku to laugh so hard at times shamelessly telling him chikas ke miku had passed and, from there went miku karaoke where I quickly said first and saito Tefy kn kn Teruki and last otaku .. ¬ ¬ w ... Shinya-san right? - mischievously at him because he had noticed that Karla and Shinya had fitted very well, a. .. Etto ... ha-hai ... ke clear if karla has no problem ... not ... No problem - blushing a little, but I that you Akiharu? ¬ ¬ - asked Tefy,, Teruki, ke loved upsetting miku said, "we saito Tefy better and I and you go and Shinya karla kn-.. ¬ ¬ noo .. kiero Tefy and shut-...- Akiharu was saying this right .. kiero ke Tefy but this next to me on the karaoke, "said Teruki-kmo is .. Tefy while the songs will knmigo-Tefy somewhat irritated by the attitude of miku said .. not only offer you way too acerkes me or you will have problems .. Chiko got it? .. hai .. Miku respindio =.=- kiero ke ...- but I do not say Akiharu .. miku better tell me it is easier ... and my dime - came out saying the Chiko saito, karla if kieres dime kanon .. also tell me your best Tefy kanon ... right ... so they say ... ^ ^ - Entered the karaoke where Miku began to sing the cancionde Odoru kn Tefy meruhen Tokei, Teruki kienes followed and had a great echo in the interpretation kn fanservice touhikairo song ... and finally Kerala kanon and decided not to sing ke they said they did not have pretty voices ke kmo hungry friends ... chikas ?...- bou-amm wondering if I only poko but said Tefy-... we also respindieron kanon with karla and Teruki-I invite you to you Tefy .. - Tefy miku said putting an arm across her shoulders to Tefy ke reacts somewhat uncomfortable and says, stay away from me unless it hits you .. ke kieres and is well accepted ke invite me .. ke aunke Teruki and prefer others to join us ... ¬ ¬ U.. right ... They come also ke ... karaoke out of their way to a Japanese restaurant called Yamato's, came sat in one of the tables Cerkes to the window and ordered their food respectively .... kodomo kiero a 3 - Tefy said same-yo kiero ke she-asked-Teruki Miku asked for a combo of sushi and yakimeshi, karla kanon and asked for a size Horenso tempura and rice for two and share a meal, spent a quiet dinner for had had an eventful afternoon in video games and then in the karaoke .. finished eating all paid the bill-payment Teruki Miku pay your plate and it's Tefy and told kanon ke karla would pay .. iuna invitation was kmo ke ... from there they left the restaurant, they walked down the street and said sorry bou Chik. I'll go aki .. my house is Cerkes of aki ke me so I thank you for joining - said goodbye bou walking home, that's what he says .. miku Tefy could accompany you to your house? .. ke it can happen to something and you steal fence ..- ke aser TEFI turns to see miku already kn face your intentions and tells .- no thanks are also Karal defend me alone and my acomñpaña ksa ke live by truth there karla wax? .. If it is true .. -Walking alongside her, "... so ..... no thanks ...- Hide Teruki was derisive laughter had given ke ke to see the plan did not work kn Tefy miku, miku realizing this is acerka Teruki and says, if you circumvent ALSO kieres .. ¬ ¬ ... Teruki ...-'re a fool even holding his laughter says we friend ... do not be mad .. chika ke only by falls at your feet no kiere ke say you should not keep trying ...- trying not to laugh-

Alpha Lipoic Acid Face Cream


=.= I'm bored, yesterday I was dying seee my stomach hurt .. xDD
but that happened .. acid kanon came to me all night ... we had sooo good * ¬ *
NAAA .. jajajja but my beloved cel kanon spoke to me and told me he loved me ke ... asked me marriage is over and I said yes ... ke as well ke estan invitados a mi boda... xDD
sera amm el viernes en la guerra de bandas y mientras toco el se subira al escenario kn el padre y nos casará yo vestire de morado kn unos calentadores kmo los de mi amado en odoru y llevara puesto su traje de tekesouta asi bien sexy.. mostrando pierna y toso .. kmo ven???
mm o ya se le pedire ke solo lleve mini short o hotpants kmo gusten llamarlo... eso seria demaciado sensual.. ¬ ¬ no mejor no por ke despues todas me lo kerran manosear a mi amado... asi ke mejor kn su traje de tekesoouta ^^... despues de la boda sera la recepcion sera en yamato´s por ke esta bien rica la comida *¬*
y pss ya...
ok no eso sono jjajajajaj crazy anyway ... ¬ ¬ U_U no dream is worth ...
ke weno psss already I have nothing to do
ke ke I'll keep up the fic to read it
weno ke and Fri ... ke even visit me even one so I'll upload it ^ ^ weno bye!