continuaa fic! Nyappy as if kieres can bring a drink to my companions, bring what i want but this aki ke-karla Tefy kn nodded his head and the other two were addressed to Chika and while taking your order miku glances acia caps side where he was Tefy Teruki and she was feeding in the mouth Teruki and gave massages while ke Teruki took advantage of the situation to make miku ke even more angry at that karla kn drinks arrived and miku kanon aki you ..- kanon-san your beverage of chocolate and your giant rice cracker ke ^ ^ Have a nice profit-after-aki was kn miku miku have your drink strong coffee and your onigiri, very good pro ke ..- have not finished karla miku ke say this and had risen sharply from the chair and stretched his order but had not been particularly if they ke bean was spilled all in uniform, I'm going chika aki .. Teruki not bear to see this kn Tefy ke-le-miku kanon said you should wait to see what i do, it just stopped kanon- there is no problem, "said Karla-.. okay it was just an accident, "she said while recojia around the floor in that Dabo had Tefy ke ke account of what had happened was angry and told miku-ke no ke time I just do? .. diculpa calls ... you need not be a boor ke ¬ ¬ ... "scolded him - sorry karla-saying this in a somewhat haughty-happy .. and are happy ... now I glanced over, in high dudgeon to Teruki ... - You are a rude, scream Tefy while helping to clean karla Teruki and Miku went after payment is ke kanon and miku friend had ordered the maid-out reaches Teruki Miku and says .. "Listen you do not have to be ke so rude kn the chikas .-.. miku stops short and says ke I thought you were not able to do this to me ... ke know she likes and you try to earn it, "he said angrily miku miku you like ???... I really like,,, and ke sake if she were to ignore you?,, kn were playing it for a while kmo kn all others and when you are bored of botaras kmo an old toy? ... that's what ke arias .... echo as always .... ekivoco or me? - Teruki asked kien was angry as well, and you know she ke ... I do not like it kmo're so sure I kiero ke While I have no intention of throwing it away or play your feelings .... kn but if that is what i think of my ... ke bad these .. ke is still not know me at all ... Miku was saying kien was holding the desire to beat his friend, that reached to his friends kanon .-.. chikas hear ... I waited for ??..- ke preguntabba this while ke caught his breath and had run to reach them, look at both young kienes looked something challenging and realized what i did, in that pounced on Teruki Miku, but it detubo kanon saying "We do not fight ... no miku no reason to fight ... miku-miku please stop being unable to safarze of kanon said - I thought ke Teruki were my friend but now I understand ke ekivoke me, "in that the chikas, kienes had run behind kanon, the hit-ke aki going? - Tefy-ke wonder they are fighting for "asked" for nothing .. answered only by nonsense- miku-ke also is something none of your business-miku-kmo blame it .. a ke tries to help and your .. just trying to show off and upsetting the other people angry ...- Tefy said ... kien kanon miku still had arrested she added-chik stop fighting ... Please. aganlo for the good times we ke ...- tried to stop the fight, good times ???... kitarme to the kiere ke chika ke me kieres like and be his friend? "said miku-kmo true I could be friends with a person kmo the, ke only interested in the same," continued Teruki, and was Tefy ke angry enough to scream "LET YOURSELF attach importance to trifles ... BY KE fight over something so silly, ARE LONG TIME FRIENDS FROM ASE TO KMO KE KE `Peel NOW ONE OF U.S. ... KE LES PASA ..? Y ...- TU referring to miku-LET YOUR ATTITUDE AND PROUD OF GREATNESS AND SHOULD ONLY BE YOURSELF AND LET SOMEONE Finjan KE NO ERES ... And now referring ..- TU-STOP MAKE Teruki pride KE NO TE KEDA YOU!. Chika the 3-shocked kedaron Tefy kn what i was saying "NOW YOU 2 .. Apologize ONE ANOTHER IF NO KIERAN KE Versele KNMIGO ...- Tefy said staring at ... both chikas not know if fear or Tefy ke was right, they apologized to each other the 5 Chika went to their respective homes chikas kanon acompañoa both home and from there he went to his. ...
aki ok till the first chapter ^ ^ maybe it was something short but there are still more ^ ^ not preocupenn ... in fact even more =.= U there are 5 chapters and just go in the first .. u_u in short fiction will continue to rise .. ke no matter nobody reads it and read it ^ ^ psss Tefy and the fic is hers in order jajaja weno seguire kn the fic .. ^ ^