Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Severe Diffuse Erythematous Gastritis

another medical doctor

words of a worker to
We know what makes us sick!
When we feel bad that we learned
you who is going to heal.

For ten years, we are told, in beautiful

schools built with people's money,
learn to heal, and your science
has cost you a fortune.
You have to know cure.

Can you heal?
In your office
us off the rags and you listened at our naked bodies.
A look at the rags
you better informed about the cause of our disease.
wears the same cause our bodies and our clothes.

say that
shoulder pain comes from moisture, which also comes
the stain on the wall of our house.
Tell us then: where does the humidity?

Overwork and lack of food
make us thin and weak.
Your recipe says
"You have to gain weight."
to rush It's like saying you should not get wet

How long
we do?
is clear: the carpet in your home
costs as much as five thousand queries.

probably say you are innocent.
The wet spot on the wall of our house
says the same. Bertolt Brecht

(In "80 Poems and Songs")


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