Monday, May 10, 2010

How To Undo Rusty Toilet Seat Screws

I dont know how i feel ... Must

Ah .. I'm tired ... society in general, their way of being, are so ... to say duh? suffice to describe.
as I have had enough of being insulted they spend, and all have the same name?, No respect, no ethics, no morality, nothing is a massive degradation.
I'm out of time.
not understand people and their way of being.
Now what bothers me most is that they infect others with their insults and degrading form of being, and I do not know how to protect my brother of this society.
I can not just kill them all. Because it is the whole society.
Note 1: I refer here to my country where I happened to be born, but by what part I can see, this is on the world, although I can not know every specific case because I do not live in it.
Note 2: What if I'm an alien or the one who says no profanity in this city? For the truth I think that if someone shares my way of being, so be it, or please contact me?. What I say and not strong words is:
- That clown - Baka - Bug! - Paphos / or (Trademark mia je) - Zapata / or - Andate the bow (if not the devil and I think something else)
Well as more than obvious they are innocent words, people say rude and repulsive higher grade, and tell the whole society and not bother to show it no children, now you can hear children 3 or younger, saying each things in my life I said hey.

Ah .. I express my anger towards these useless in a poem, perhaps then, when I have time to pass it to the pc, here.

apologize for mistakes, eh slept very little, I'm with too many tests, pressure, bla bla.

Oh and another thing that has nothing to do with this, and I thought when I was on the bus, I always I thought I wanted to outshine Ryosuke Sou, and you take it off of the band now, and temporary vocalist or something, to where, according to what I think, my theories of course, if he was right, that I wanted him after Sou . Anyway, I do not want to open a debate is what I always thought.

Ya ...


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