Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What Is The Life Span Of A Car Starter

continuaa fic! Nyappy

Tefy and turned the place bou ke Teruki had told them they saw was skating kn kanon ke karla Brazon taken from ... or ///// o. kmo that happen ???.. amm wondering say bou-ke a pekeƱa help - said Teruki-¬ ¬ .. karla Its too noble in order ke aga kn what i want that otaku ..- so ugly do not tell repressed Tefy-bou smiling alright I'm just saying what i thought-miku not kitaba the Tefy eye on ke and for some strange reason the prettiest saw ke usual, of course confused by ke ke ke keria not Tefy ke realized ... they looked at it acerka bou kien had been noticed ke it looks miku Dabab Tefy and asks slyly, you really like, some ?...- miku bou turned to see because they had surprised the Chiko ke-ah realized? e.. Etto ... no .. kmo no Kres ... she do not like is an angry, well not my type "lied miku trying to hear his answer ke firm, bou ke smiled because he knew he liked Tefy miku but proud was saying ke ke no later than had already happened, okay do not be angry miku bou-said I angrily replied, miku, bou after that is acerko Teruki and thence to the two of them left the ice rink making an excuse ke were hungry and would go to get something to eat, what i the other 4 did not know and ignored chikas was Teruki and bou ke were not returned couples ke grab a week and find time for themselves ... kanon, Tefy, karla and miku Eskin gathered at a Track and commented-an muuy been acting strange for a week isn't it?-ask-for miku .. ke I do not know, "answered my Tefy-ke is like me but maybe not this bad what I think ke kien kanon" added to an attempt to avoid falling-ke I think if you were to eat something ... =.= The truth is ke I too am getting hungry, "said Karla .. -Amm .. samples if you like we can go out to eat and then returned to the ice rink .- I think Tefy while away from miku ke was because it seemed to take her hand, do not ever touch me Akiharu ¬ ¬ - sentenced him Tefy-not going to do, "said miku seeing ke had realized his intention, as I warned kmo .. ke then saying we eat and later returned to the track if? -. Tefy-ok I ask again, "answered the other 3 Chiko, the 4 chikas left the track and on their way to where they were, where meals will be Akella two -karla-looking Tefy and is an aki have gone on and we do not say where U_U kisieron Miku said looking kn ke sight to the other 2 chikas-chik ke sit down and wait to return, as ordered something to eat, "commented kanon kien and stomach growled, mireen !!!!- Tefy cry too happily, the hot dogs are at 2 for one!! and are great! * O *.. ..- Tefy pakete take advantage and buy a hot dog, karla he had his eye on a lokal Japanese food and decided to buy there, kanon ke keria cake so buy a big slice of tiramisu for miku ke ke he knew kitaria of food, miku only ordered french fries and they returned to the table every kn kien dishes and began to eat while they ate they talked of things kmo musika, clothing, etc. suddenly got the other 2 remaining chikas Teruki and bou,-hi ke chikas eat? .. "Teruki asked as he sat next to Tefy and bou sat next to Kanon, Cerkes of teruki." Where was you two? - Karla-you wonder where they were missing? - Bou Teruki blushed while ke answered-for .. you see, we were watching the whole place is very great many Coosa ke emos not yet seen, "said Teruki-s-if it's true" added bou-mm is well .. but .. for both tadaron ke? - kanon-really wonder is ke is very large place and then both lied we missed-Chika (Bou and Teruki) - mm .. okay if you say .- commented Tefy not very convinced of the response of those kids, "is seriously Tefy ... do not lie " Teruki was to convince "aha .. kmo is in order and are concerned aki ke we had not arrived, "she added, giving a bite of her food, bou just looked away blushing, those kids kept talking for a while, they decided to finish eating watch a movie theater-valleys-kanon said sounds good .. if followed fences-karla-amm ke film but will we see? -. .- if preegunto bou-ke film see walled-Tefy ask to see a horror-movie-Teruki suggested would be great, but I prefer a movie action, the fear I am bored - bored you said miku-miku? .. I thought you were afraid ke by ke ke last time we went to the movies kasi fear-mockingly cried discovered what Teruki-..- do not lie miku said blushing for the comment teru, crossed his arms ¬///¬ not true ... "the other 4 Chika comentrio laughed at, but agreed to go to the movies, so ke skates gave their input and direction kn came to see the movie ... way to the movies could not stop laughing to angry Kanon Teruki saying anime ke era kmo chikas perverted and things that, while single kanon ke ke was saying was not true, then started talking about ke musika and everyone had to say something about ..- I like to sing but also play the guitar and some piano, "said miku .- I always liked to play drums," said Teruki-and Teruki hard to play drums? - karla-no wonder he is not but it takes much practice, "he replied, I see ... kanon ke instrument and you'll like, "I ask the dark-haired chika ke was playing at her kn-ps eh? .. to I amm as I like the bajo sexto, "answered the Chiko saving your game before it Kitara ke Teruki only for hassle-and I also like composing musika" added-and you? .. I ask karla-


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